Time out. Take a deep breathe. Do it again.
Recently, Bill Nye came out to slam creation and exploit his view of things. His take is "We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need engineers that can build stuff and solve problems". This is true, we need those things and the fact is those literate voters, taxpayers for the future, and engineers to solve problems and build stuff will be living on a planet God created.Hebrews 11:3 states "By faith we understand the universe was formed at God's command..." (In fact, read all of Hebrews 11.) Notice, it's by FAITH. Just as it takes faith to believe in God and the Holy Bible. It takes faith to believe that the world came about by the big bang, random events, and evolution. And it takes faith to believe the world is billions of years old. (side note: from my christian perspective, the earth could be billions of years old, or it could be thousands. God never said how old the earth is. It remains a mystery to me. Some things we won't know, we are not God, until we're in heaven and get to ask God.)
Yes, I am offended at Bill's remarks. I'm going to be because I believe in God with all my heart, my soul, my mind. I am a christian who solves problems, who is a literate voter. Furthermore, evolution is already taught in public schools, creationism is not. Does Nye realize this? So the majority of kids in this world are already being taught evolution, it's also printed in scientific text books. Nye also needs to realize that those who believe God created the universe and everything in it are scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future, and they can be engineers to solve problems and build stuff. You do not need to believe in the big bang theory to solve problems and build stuff.
Not all science is bad; but science is not God, cannot be God, cannot replace God. There is right and wrong. Science can be wrong, and Science does not have all the answers. God does. And because we, you and I are humans, we are not going to know all the answers in this world, however, there is an answer to who created this world, God. Christians will reject certain scientific beliefs. This is why Christians reject evolution and the big bang theory. It's why there is a clash between science and religion.
I believe God created the world in which we live, the world I am sitting in today typing this blog post. It's the world that Bill Nye lives in. The air that Bill Nye is breathing in the video? God created that too. Nye has chosen not to believe in creation, his belief comes from man. Mine is in God, the Father almighty the maker of heaven and earth.
God gave us his Word in the Holy Bible that we may believe in him. We can learn how the world became to be in Genesis. It's literally how the world became to be. Please don't make it more complicated, for God's word says what is means and means what it says. God wants us to know about him and what he has done for us. God keeps his promises and means what he says. As Christians we take God at his Word.

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