Saturday, December 8, 2012

Exploring Hunting

Hunting. It's been around for decades.

Hunting's a way to survive, a hobby, a lifestyle, a way to spend leisure time, to be with people, to eat organic meat.

It's the pursuing of game and so much more than the previous sentence lays out. I say "game" because to me I desire to eat what I pursue, and am anxious to cook game meat. After all, my ultimate goal of my hunting adventures to to bring food home. Remember, because it's called hunting, bringing home game is not always the case.

Hunting's intriguing to me because it allows me to go into the natural world and gives me a choice of how much technology I want to bring with me. Being in the woods reminds me of a time when the technological advances of today were yet to be discovered.

Yet, it's intriguing for another reason; the responsibility of a gun or bow, to load and unload, nock and un-nock, to know I have the chance to take a shot, and what shot is worth taking, or not worth taking.

I hope that when I do have a buck hanging at my place, my focus on hunting will still be in this raw state and not tied up with bragging over the animals I have taken.

As a sportsman most of my experiences, and expertise lie in fishing, in memories with family, and personal discoveries. I catch more fish than shooting animals. Over the years I have spent more time by the water than in the woods. So hunting is another way to enjoy the sportsman within me. It provides learning about new gear, and going after creatures moving on the land.

There's so much more to explore, like the responsibility to wisely use an animal. Animals have been given to us and why stewardship and conservation ought to be found in hunting and the sportsman, and why hunting is more than just killing.

It's good to explore what hunting means to you and how you can talk about it, and how you relate to hunting.


Simple Or Techy, It's Hunting

Let's talk technology. It's always been a part of hunting. Sometimes, I get an attitude where I don't need or desire the new technological advances we have to hunt with today. This is not always the best attitude, because man always will look to improve hunting techniques and often times, looks at new technology to use in the field with him to make him more successful at bringing home his query.

However, knowing the fundamental skills is crucial. Playing the wind is an excellent example of how fundamental skills are nessasary even with the advent of the 21st century hunting technology.

Though new technology can make a hunter more effective, the latest technology is not needed to be successful. You still need the basic skills of hunting to go with the latest technology.  And this, my friends, is often what I put my time and energy doing. For if I master the basic skills of hunting, I can do without the latest technology until I can afford the latest technology. The price tags on some things can be ridiculous.

This may put me at a disadvantage at first, but over time I will have honed my skills and sharpened my senses of the woods, and knowing the basic skills of hunting will allow me to appreciate what the technology can add to my arsenal.

In a way you do need both. You need the basic fundamental skills so if technology fails, you can still be successful. Technology will come in handy to maximize the fundamental skills you have learned.

Thoughts? Jot 'em in the comments...
