? Well, yes and no. Yes you are updating your status, but it's what you're updating your status with.
Twitter helps you viralize your content. Twitter is more than just a username and password social media website. It's more than social networking. It's branding; it's relationship building.
Sharing InfoViral marketing is passing along information. Twitter can help with viral marketing because Twitter makes it easy to share information. A simple click on the retweet button creates viral marketing.
That's what you want isn't it? Viral marketing is word of mouth. It's other people marketing for your company. When you share information, the more people that know about it the better. Therefore, Twitter harnesses the power of viral marketing to a point.
Twitter can help you share your blog posts to a mass audience. Take your niche market to a mass audience - or- In that mass audience find niche markets. Twitter is about building relationships and even more than that, it's about communicating with business partners.
Your Twitter ToolsRetweeting is a tool that you can use to support your clients, your partners in business. If you're a B2B company, you can communicate with your buyers and sellers; with your venders, distributors, wholesalers.
When your wholesellers sell something or post pictures you can reteweet that. Retweeting shows you support that tweet, person, or organization behind the tweet.
Use hash tags in your posts. If popular trends relate to your post add them. These are trending topics and your information will be seen by the masses and there's a good chance your message will be read because people will be checking trending topics frequently.
Trending topics are not advertising in the sense that people are pushed with information. Trending topics are phrases, holidays, terms that are popular NOW! Now meaning in real time.
Because trending topics are filled with people who are interested a specific subject, so people actually will want to read.
Hashtags and trending topics work together. Using a hashtag with the trending topic bumps your tweet into the popular tweet stream.
Use this not only as a strategy to promote yourself in the stream, but when you retweet or @reply to someone, use the a trending hashtag to complement their post as well.
Free Way To Socialize
Twitter's service is free. Free publications such as mashable and eMarketer are helpful to guide you during your twitter experiment. During this digital age, it's important to learn the new technology and be with the times.
You can socialize your website by posting twitter to your homepage. Don't stop here, add a retweet button to your blog. Doing so will make your content sociable.
Twitter helps build your brand. It helps people get to know you, how you communicate and what you communicate about. Simply, Twitter gets your name out. It's a form of networking on the internet. Viral or cyber networking.
"Join The Conversation"
Have something to share? You can share interesting articles that your target audience may find interesting to gain followers.
Maybe you're an entrepreneur. Now you have a place to go with your ideas; a place to gain followers of your ideas, building a tribe in the process.
With so much social media hype, perhaps you're disgusted and don't want to be a part of it. Don't let it pass you by. Twitter may come and go, but the internet will be moving forward with the technology of Twitter.